"Can't Bring Us Down"

You can’t bring us down, no matter the cost.
We fought the fight, and now we’ve lost.
This darkness dawns a new day, we will rise once more.
We are all fighters, right down to the core.
Our tears and our blood spilled on the damp ground.
All the hope we have lost, will one day be found.
We have been to the top, and fell to our knees.
We have clawed through hell and back again.
For the battle is not done, and will rage on.
You can’t bring us down, even after we’re gone.
We will live forever on the mountain held high.
Our words will live forever floating on the clear blue sky.
I leave you now with these words in mind.
May our dreams live on, in our heart and in our mind.

Author: richardvisionary on Saturday, 26 Sept. 2009
License: Copyright, all rights reserved
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